Podsumowanie roku 2023
St. Mrówczyński, Departament Badań Podstawowych w 2023 roku
Sławomir Wycech, Antiproton - a tool for nuclear studies
Alina Czajka, Probing an ultrarelativistic heavy ion at next-to eikonal accuracy
Maciej Pylak, Manifestation of relative phase in dynamics of two interacting Bose-Bose droplets
Sebastian Trojanowski, New insights on neutrino-DM interactions from CMB observations
Tomasz Cap, Challenges in the synthesis of new elements
Małgorzata Kazana, Exotic long-lived particles in CMS at LHC
Andrzej Sandacz, Probing the nucleon structure with processes of exclusive meson production in muon-proton scattering at COMPASS
Justyna Łagoda, Tau neutrino appearance in Super-Kamiokande
Marcin Berłowski, Determination of η → π0γγ branching fraction with KLOE experiment
Damian Pszczel, Do we see isospin symmetry breaking in kaon production in p+p and A+A collisions?
Ambra Nanni, Evolution of dusty quiescent galaxies over the last six billion years
Mahmoud Hamed, Shedding light on hidden stars in the early Universe
Luis Suelves, Galaxy merger features looming in the background
Krzysztof Lisiecki, Hunting for Red nuggets - untouched survivors of the early universe