Dosimetry for radiation processing

Seminarium doktoranckie
Prelegent i afiliacja: 
Szymon Domański, NCBJ
pon., 2019-06-03 09:00
Sala 404 w NCBJ, Pasteura 7

Radiation processing is a growing industry, and is commonly used in the sterilization of medical products for example, sutures, surgical gloves, gowns, face masks, syringes, sticking plasters, dressings and other single use healthcare supplies are all processed using gamma radiation. The use of ionizing radiation for these purposes does not make the underlying product radioactive, and generally has no effects on it that are any more pronounced than other sterilization or preservation technologies. Standards for radiation sterilization of medical and some other products are set by the International Organization for Standardization. In 1995, the ISO released the first edition of ISO-11137 outlining validation methods, quality controls and requirements for all activities related to the sterilization processes.

In my presentation I will describe our dosimetry system developed for purposes of irradiation a variety of materials with spent nuclear fuel.

I am going to present also current state of compliance with the standards.