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Archiwum seminariów

Adiabatic electron transfer between two quantum dots in presence of 1/f noise

Public and professional visions of nuclear power in Poland

Seminarium KlastER: Modele Biznesowe Energetyki Rozproszonej i Obywatelskiej

B-Meson physics in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory

Modeling short gamma ray bursts from binary neutron star mergers with general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics

Beyond broad lines - understanding spectra of quasars

Dark Matter Sommerfeld-enhanced annihilation and Bound-state decay at finite temperature

Nuclear Non-Proliferation, why it is so important and what I have learnt at the NEREC Summer School

O co chodzi w kultowym wzorze Einsteina

Nuclear Non-Proliferation, why it is so important and what I have learnt at the NEREC Summer School
