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Archiwum seminariów

Searching for gravitational waves from pulsars in Jordan Brans Dicke theory

Anisotropic multiplciative bias in shear estimates

Average high energy neutron flux distribution in the Quinta sub-critical assembly irradiated with deuteron beam of 2.0 GeV energy applying the actinide spectral index method

"Quasi-stationary routes to black holes: exterior and interior perspective"

Metoda pomiaru liczby reakcji rozszczepienia U-238 w wiązce protonów lub deuteronów za pomocą detektorów aktywacyjnych

Najnowsze rozwiązania technologiczne w biodruku 3D i mikroskopii super-rozdzielczej.

Aspects of Lorentz and CPT violation in Cosmology

Galaxy collisions across cosmic times
 - Star formation and recycled galaxies

Positron Annihilation as a tool to study defects in Silicon Carbide

The early death of cosmic giants
