Postdoc position in particle physics phenomenology

Data ogłoszenia: 
24 lut 2020 - 11:45
Termin zbierania ofert: 
15 mar 2020 - 23:45

The Theoretical Physics Division at the National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, invites applications for a postdoctoral research position in particle physics phenomenology. The position is for 2 years, starting as soon as possible.  The successful candidate will be hired under a full-time employment contract with a competitive salary of about 75 000 PLN/year (net), plus the travel budget of about 15 000 PLN/year.

The post-doctoral researcher will be expected to work on the project "Standard Model extensions with vector-like fermions" funded by the National Science Centre, Poland. For more details about the possible research subjects please contact the PI of the project dr hab. Kamila Kowalska ( or visit the web-page:

Work location: Pasteura 7 str., Warsaw, Poland


  • PhD in physics obtained no earlier than in 2013,
  • Documented research experience in beyond the Standard Model physics,
  • Very good knowledge of English (both oral and written),
  • Familiarity with the numerical tools used in phenomenological analyses of the BSM models (ex. SARAH, MicrOmegas, MadGraph) and very good coding skills (in Fortran/C++) will be an asset.

Application documents: 

Candidates should send their application, including:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • a list of publications
  • a research statement
  • two letters of recommendation

to The deadline for full consideration is March 15th, 2020. Applications will be considered beyond this deadline until the position is filled.

Contact person:

dr hab. Kamila Kowalska
(BP2) Theoretical Physics Division

Send your application before 15/03/2020

Deadline for the contest: 03/04/2020
Starting date: 01/05/2020

As an attachment to your application please sign and enclose the following declarations:
I agree to the processing of my personal data included in this application for the needs necessary to carry out the recruitment.
I agree / I do not agree to store my personal data in the NCBJ recruitment database for a period of 12 months, since the submission of this application, related to potential future recruitment processes.