Search for heavy charged particles at CMS

Seminarium doktoranckie
Prelegent i afiliacja: 
Oleg Shkola, Studium Doktoranckie NCBJ
pon., 2019-05-13 09:00
ul. Pasteura 7, sala 404

Many extensions of the Standard Model (SM) predict the existence of heavy, long-lived charged particles (HSCPs). These particles might have speed significantly less than speed of light and/or charge, not equal to ±1e. With lifetimes greater than a few nanoseconds, HSCPs  can travel distances larger than the typical collider detector and appear stable like pions or kaons. Because particle identification algorithms at hadron collider experiments generally assume signatures characteristic of Standard Model (SM) particles, e.g., speed close to the speed of light and a charge of ± 1e, HSCPs may go unidentified. A further complication arises from the fact that HSCPs might be charged during only a part of their passage through detectors, further limiting the ability of standard algorithms to identify them. It is however possible to detect HCPs making use of their higher rate of energy loss via ionization (dE/dx) and longer time of flight to the outer detectors, in comparison with SM particles. During the seminar, results of dedicated searches, done at Compact Muon Solenoid (CSM) experiment on data collected during 2016 will be discussed along with the improvements to the muon timing calculations done by the CMS Warsaw group.