ENEN project proposal - HORIZON-EURATOM-2021-NRT-01-13- Expression of Interests by 28/07/2021

ENEN informed on the planned addressing the following call for proposals: HORIZON–EURATOM-2021-NRT-01-13: Towards a European nuclear competence area

The call: is available online here: https: //ec. europa. eu/info/funding–tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/topic-details/horizon-euratom-2021-nrt-01-13

The project title: not yet defined yet.

The slides describing the project proposal structure: here

The WP leaders contact details:

WP1 – Henri SAFA henri. safa@i2en. fr< mailto: henri. safa@i2en. fr>

WP2 – Michèle COECK michele. coeck@sckcen. be< mailto: michele. coeck@sckcen. be>

WP3 – Csilla PESZNYAK pesznyak@reak. bme. hu< mailto: pesznyak@reak. bme. hu> csilla. pesznyak@gmail. com< mailto: csilla. pesznyak@gmail. com>

WP4 – Christian SCHOENFELDER christian@schoenfelder. training< mailto: christian@schoenfelder. training>, Francisco SUAREZ ORTIZ Francisco. suarez@enen. eu

WP5 – Leon CIZELJ Leon. Cizelj@ijs. si< mailto: Leon. Cizelj@ijs. si>

WP6 – Gabriel PAVEL gabriel. pavel@enen. eu< mailto: gabriel. pavel@enen. eu>

WP7 – Roberta CIRILLO roberta. cirillo@enen. eu< mailto: roberta. cirillo@enen. eu>

EVALION CONTACTS (to CC when you contact the WP leaders) petr. koran@evalion. cz< mailto: petr. koran@evalion. cz>; Michaela. velckova@evalion. cz< mailto: Michaela. velckova@evalion. cz>


All parties interested in participating in specific tasks are kindly requested to confirm interest in participation in relevant WP by

  • contacting directly the WP leader (CC Evalion, CC Enen, CC DBWIM)
  • by Wednesday the 28 July 2021 [EOB]
  • addressing the following bullet points per each tasks you wish to be involved in:

* Which task would you like to contribute in?

* What are the strengths of your organization?

* What impact can you make?

* Which resources do you estimate to devote to the project? (estimate PMs and PM value)

The relevant WP leader will get back to all interested partners in the coming weeks to organize a meeting.