Procedura składania aplikacji

All the candidates will have to submit the following documents (in English):

  • an application letter;
  • a photocopy of a goverment-issued identification document (with a photograph);
  • a CV, including: postdocs: a list of publications, scientific visits, presentations at conferences, etc;
    MSc (PhD students) or BSc degree (student projects): education record from and after obtaining last degree, including marks and their possible ranges, as well as a career record, etc.
  • postdocs: up to three recommendation letters; students: at least one from their current or recent (BSc) scientific supervisor; PhD candidates: at least two, including one from their MSc supervisor.

Zgłoszenia należy przesłać pocztą lub dostarczyć osobiście na adres:

prof. Leszek Roszkowski
Zakład Fizyki Teoretycznej (BP8), Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
00-681 Warszawa, ul. Hoża 69

oraz przesłać kopię kompletu dokumentów (pdf lub skan) drogą e-mailową na adres: