Deformed shapes and sizes of high-K states in SHN

Seminarium doktoranckie
Prelegent i afiliacja: 
Michał Palczewski, Studium Doktoranckie NCBJ
pon., 2018-10-29 09:00
Sala 22 w NCBJ, Hoża 69

Superheavy elements are highly unstable systems with extremely low production cross
sections. As the creation of new ones is very difficult, as a parallel or additional line of
study one could try a search for new, long-lived metastable states of already known nuclei.
It is well known that an enhanced stability may result from the K-isomerism phenomenon
which is based mainly on the (partial) conservation of the K-quantum number.
To do such studies energies are calculated within the microscopic - macroscopic approach with the deformed Woods-Saxon potential. Configurations are fixed by a standard blocking procedure and their energy found by a subsequent minimization over deformations.
Results of blocking for 2 quasiparticle states (nn or pp)as well as for 4 quasiparitcle states (nnpp) will be shown. The relationship between electric quadrupole moments in different isotopes will be discussed next.
Especially some of specific deformation parameters for No isotopes - which are experimentally studied now via laser technique will be demonstrated during the talk. Finally, predictions for Rf and some of heavier elements as: Sg, Hs, Ds and Cn - will be shown.