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Opening of the new headquarters of our partner’s Research and Development Center

Statuetka nagrody PID Polska
NCBJ delegation participated in the opening ceremony of the PID Poland Research and Development Center. The center conducts research in the area of ​​radiographic inspection and detection. Thanks to cooperation with Polish research institutions, it will be possible to develop proprietary technologies applicable both in industrial X-ray detectors and in cargo scanners. ----

3.06.2022 – Fire drills in Świerk

Today, in the NCBJ area, fire-fighting exercises are held. Increased traffic of emergency services vehicles is expected on the access roads to the Świerk center. ----

NCBJ at the 25th Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center

Stanowisko NCBJ przygotowane przez Dział Edukacji i Szkoleń
On Saturday, May 21, the 25th Science Picnic of Polish Radio and the Copernicus Science Center took place. The theme of this year’s Picnic was water – its role in nature and human life, as well as its properties and phenomena related to it. The event took place at the Copernicus Science Center. NCBJ also exhibited its stand, prepared by the Education and Training Department. ----

Safety exercises in Świerk

Today (01/06/2022) exercises in the field of safety are taking place at the Świerk nuclear center. Therefore, there may be difficulties in traffic on the access roads to NCBJ. ----

The work of OR POLATOM scientists among the most cited publications of the Nuclear Medicine Review

Once again, the article describing the research of scientists from the POLATOM Radioisotope Center Was among the five most cited publications of the Nuclear Medicine Review journal in 2017-2021. The diploma awarded by the Editorial Board Was presented to the authors during the 17th Congress of the Polish Society of Nuclear Medicine in Białystok on May 26–28, 2022. ----

How to prepare the surface of the new generation titanium implants?

Mikrospektroskop Ramana WITec alpha 300R z Laboratorium Badań Materiałowych NCBJ
Titanium-based materials are often used in the manufacture of medical implants. For the first time, scientists from the Materials Research Laboratory and the Center of Excellence NOMATEN NCBJ used the Raman imaging research technique to determine the spatial distribution and quantitative proportion of individual titanium oxide phases covering the surface of the material, which determines its properties. ----

International conference on materials science – the first of its kind in Poland

grafika dekoracyjna
NCBJ organizes the 1st NOMATEN International Conference on Materials Informatics. Materials informatics is a new field of research that uses advanced IT tools to better understand and design materials needed primarily for work in extreme physical and chemical conditions, as well as in medicine. This subject is dealt with, among others, by originators and organizers of the conference – scientists from the NOMATEN Center of Excellence operating in Świerk. ----

Preventing the synthesis of super heavy elements nuclei

Rysunek z pracy: Prawdopodobieństwo fuzji Pfus(l) jako funkcja temperatury T i wysokości bariery H(l) dla różnych wartość momentu pędu l (0, 20, 40 i 60 ℏ). Obliczenia dla trzech pocisków: 48Ca (kolor zielony), 50Ti (niebieski), 54Cr (czerwony) oddziałujących z jądrami 208Pb. Kolor powierzchni obrazuje zmianę temperatury układu.
Scientists from NCBJ and UW have published a paper explaining what determines the success of the synthesis of the nuclei of the heaviest elements in fusion reactions. The performed calculations show that the dramatic decrease in the probability of synthesis with the increase in the atomic number of the nucleus formed can be explained assuming that the fusion takes place in the process of diffusion. ----

Thematic review of nuclear facilities – ongoing public consultations

Hala reaktora badawczego MARIA
Every 6 years, EU countries carry out mutual, thematic assessments of the safety of nuclear installations. In Poland, such an object is the MARIA research reactor. Until 27 May 2022, public consultations of the documents regulating the thematic review of nuclear facilities are ongoing. ----

Graphene as a magnetic field detector in fusion reactors

In fusion projects it is necessary to use materials resistant to high temperatures and radiation damage. Carbon-based materials, especially carbon nanotubes and graphene, are promising in this respect. Scientists from the NCBJ Reactor Research Department participated in the research on the resistance of graphene detectors to high neutron fluxes. ----
