European Nuclear Conference 2016
2016.10.10 - admin
The largest in Europe nuclear conference held in Warsaw between October 9 and 13, 2016 is a forum where experts, decision-makers, and representatives of nuclear industry from all over the world can share their experience and discuss innovations, nuclear safety issues, applications, and generally the future of nuclear industry. NCBJ co-organized the conference and attendees are expected to visit Świerk.
Various Faces of QCD 2
2016.10.09 - admin
3rd Symposium of the Division for Physics of Fundamental Interactions of the Polish Physical Society will be held in NCBJ Świerk on October 8 and 9, 2016. The symposium is entitled “Various Faces of QCD 2”
XXIII Nuclear Physics Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny to commemorate Professor Janusz Wilczyński
2016.10.07 - admin
XXIII Nuclear Physics Workshop Marie & Pierre Curie is an annual meeting of scientists involved in research on structure and decays of atomic nuclei organized by the Theoretical Physics Chair at Physics Faculty of the Maria-Curie Skłodowska University (UMCS) in Lublin. This year event was held between September 27 and October 2, 2016 in Kazimierz Dolny. NCBJ co-organized the event to better commemorate work and achievements of Professor Janusz Wilczyński, a world-class expert in nuclear physics.
Wishes for the Institute
2016.10.07 - admin
On its 5th anniversary NCBJ has received congratulation letters from Jarosław Gowin, Deputy Prime Minister; Director of Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Nuclear Physics; and from Ministry of Energy.
Jubilee NCBJ Symposium
2016.10.07 - admin
This year NCBJ Symposium had somewhat festive character on the occasion of NCBJ 5th anniversary
European XFEL commissioning procedures started
2016.10.07 - admin
European XFEL (X-ray Free Electron Laser) commissioning procedures started in DESY research centre in Hamburg on October 6, 2016. Poland has met its obligations as the first among 8 shareholders of the European XFEL GmbH company established to accomplish that €1.2 billion-worth project. On that occasion a small celebration was held in Hamburg with participation of Dr. Piotr Dardziński, Polish Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education.
NCBJ at 20th Science Festival in Warsaw
2016.09.30 - admin
During this year event NCBJ is going to present several exhibits/presentations/physical experiments familiarizing the general public with ionizing radiation and its major applications.
NCBJ researchers in a programming contest organized by Ministry of Digital Affairs
2016.09.30 - admin
17 teams participated in Hackathon, a programing contest organized for the first time by Ministry of Digital Affairs on premises of National Library in Warsaw. 90 contest runners included 2 astrophysicist from NCBJ: Adam Zadrożny and Arkadiusz Ćwiek. Contest runners’ task was to develop software applications designed to facilitate everyday life of ordinary people by making use of data openly published by various institutions in the Internet.
POLSKA Safe and Innovative
2016.09.29 - admin
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 60th General Conference is accompanied by the POLSKA Safe and Innovative exhibition organized jointly by National Atomic Energy in Poland and Permanent Mission of the Republic of Poland to the Unite Nations Office in Vienna. The exhibition presents Poland as a country, in which ionizing radiation is safely utilized in numerous modern and innovative applications.
NCBJ among sponsors of the 41st Film Festival in Gdynia
2016.09.22 - admin
A series of discussion panels, lectures by recognized guests from abroad, and presentations organized within the framework of the 41st Film Festival in Gdynia by Polish Film Institute (PISF) and its partners for several hundred filmmakers (artists, producers, other professionals) has been dubbed Gdynia Industry. NCBJ is among the partners.