NCBJ among sponsors of the 41st Film Festival in Gdynia

A series of discussion panels, lectures by recognized guests from abroad, and presentations organized within the framework of the 41st Film Festival in Gdynia by Polish Film Institute (PISF) and its partners for several hundred filmmakers (artists, producers, other professionals) has been dubbed Gdynia Industry. NCBJ is among the partners.

NCBJ is going to offer significant discounts for services of Renderownia Świerk to all Polish filmmakers participating in the sponsoring programme to be presented in Hotel Mercure in Gdynia on Friday, September 23. Prof. Wojciech Wiślicki and Dr. Michał Findeisen, our representatives, and Robert Baliński from PISF will announce the programme participation principles and the scope of the to-be-offered services. NCBJ Świerk Computer Centre (CIŚ) running High Performance Computing computer cluster with massively parallel processors can render highly advanced 3D animations/special effects for feature films. A discussion how filmmakers could best use the CIŚ supercomputer will be held during the event.

See more on the Gdynia Industry 2016 event: http://www.festiwalgdy­­tu­al­no­sci­/new­s/–--492-_41st-gff-gdy­nia-in­du­stry-_news.html

41st Film Festival in Gdynia
The Renderownia Świerk logo
CIŚ supercomputer
Robert Baliński, photo Marcin Kułakowski PISF
Prof. Woj­ciech Wi­ślic­ki, photo Marcin Kułakowski PISF
Dr. Michał Findeisen, photo Marcin Kułakowski PISF