Particle accelerator for the European XFEL laser commissioned
2017.04.19 - admin
DESY and European XFEL GmbH company have jointly announced that commissioning of a superconducting accelerator that is to feed the European XFEL laser has just been concluded in research centre in Hamburg. The team that built the accelerator included scientists and technicians from Poland. NCBJ is a partner in the project.
Trap, currents, rays in the Paths of Physics contest 2017 edition
2017.04.07 - Marek Pawłowski
The level of the 12th finals of the Paths of Physics contest organized jointly by NCBJ and Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics in Warsaw was exceptionally high. The winners received their prizes during a ceremony held on the Copernicus Science Centre premises in Warsaw on Sunday April 2, 2017. The top winners were rewarded with minicomputers funded by the Format company, a contest sponsor.
NCBJ has presented an innovative medical accelerator
2017.03.29 - admin
Malignant cells that might be left over in patient’s body after surgery of a tumour may be effectively destroyed just during the surgery. IntraLine, a new electron accelerator dedicated to such intra-operative treatment, was presented to oncology physicians who attended a conference organized in NCBJ Świerk on the occasion of conclusion of the INTRA-DOSE project.
Advanced Virgo is ready
2017.02.21 - udgov_hs
Objective of the Advanced Virgo project officially concluded on February 20, 2017 in European Gravitational Observatory (EGO) in Pisa (Italy) was to modernise the Virgo interferometer. Polish scientists participated in the project. It is hoped that the Advanced Virgo detector will significantly advance research on gravitational waves, so far the largest discovery in physics of the 21st century.
NCBJ has acquired some modern instruments for neutron studies
2017.02.20 - udgov_hs
Four modern instruments dedicated to neutron studies will soon come to Świerk according to an agreement reached between NCBJ and Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin. The instruments will certainly expand opportunities to conduct neutron experiments at the MARIA reactor research lab.
Polish scientists will coordinate European-US cooperation on development of nuclear technologies
2017.02.19 - admin
NCBJ will coordinate R&D works on High Temperature Reactors (HTR) to be conducted within the “GEMINI+” European-US cooperation project. GEMINI+ is one of the five projects from Świerk accepted for financing in the most recent Horizon 2020 EURATOM call for proposals.
NCBJ has reached an agreement with X-energy
2017.02.08 - admin
A group of Polish Ministry of Energy officials has visited USA. During that visit NCBJ has reached an agreement with X-energy, an US start-up company. That company will be another valuable partner in our plans to develop High Temperature Reactors (HTR) in Poland. Polish scientists seek to construct the first Polish pilot plant in NCBJ Świerk.
NCBJ will serve as another European research facility
2017.02.06 - admin
NCBJ has reached an agreement on collaboration with Joint Research Centre (JRC), one of the Directorates General within the European Commission. JRC scientists carry out research to provide European Union with independent advice and support to EU science & technology policy.
Everybody may walk into shoes of an elementary particle physicist
2017.02.06 - admin
All high school students interested in physics are invited to attendee two open workshops organized by scientists from NCBJ, Warsaw University (UW) Physics Faculty and Warsaw University of Technology (PW) Physics Faculty. During the events, the attendees will get an opportunity to take a peek behind the scenes of the two largest experiments run at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in CERN (Geneva): CMS and ALICE.
Security experts positively verified MARIA reactor physical protection system
2017.01.16 - admin
In connection with plans to start a programme to irradiate some US-origin targets containing highly enriched uranium in the NCBJ-operated MARIA reactor, the reactor has just been visited by some nuclear security experts from USA. They positively verified the implemented system of physical protections as compatible with recommendations issued by International Atomic Energy Agency.