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J-PET has been pre­sen­ted in Cra­cow

Visualisation of the nymerical model of the J-PET detector (NCBJ)
Today J-PET, a posi­tron emis­sion tomo­gra­phy scan­ner, desi­gned and con­struc­ted in the Marian Smo­lu­chow­ski Insti­tute of Phy­sics on the Jagiel­lo­nian Uni­ver­sity, has been pre­sen­ted in Cra­cow. Employ­ees of Natio­nal Cen­tre for Nuc­lear Rese­arch were among the team resposible for this project. The device allows for uti­li­zing com­ple­tely new methods of body ima­ging based on multi-pho­ton decays. So far, those types of decay have never been uti­li­zed for this pur­pose. ----

Coope­ra­tion between NCBJ and JAEA enters the next phase

  Pre­si­dent Toshio Kodama and NCBJ Direc­tor Gene­ral Krzysz­tof Kurek exchange the docu­ments of the imple­men­ta­tion con­tract (photo: Marek Paw­łow­ski / NCBJ)
On the 20th Sep­tem­ber 2019, a dele­ga­tion from the Japa­nese Ato­mic Energy Agency, with its pre­si­dent, Mr. Toshio Kodama, visi­ted NCBJ. During the visit an imple­men­ta­tion con­tract for the coope­ra­tion agre­ement, which was signed two years ago, was conc­lu­ded. The con­tract put an empha­sis on the field of high-tem­pe­ra­ture reac­tor tech­no­logy. The guests also went on a tour aro­und the Insti­tute. ----

Mini-EUSO is flying to space: the Earth as a huge detector

On August 22, 2019, a rocket carrying the Soyuz MS-14 module launched towards the International Space Station (ISS) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Among the loads there is the Mini-EUSO telescope. The device makes it possible to create an ultraviolet map of the Earth’s atmosphere and allows to observe its variability in time. The project is attended by the scientists from NCBJ. ----

Guests from FramAtome and Warsaw University of Technology in Świerk

Visit of FramAtome and WUT PAE delegation in Świerk (foto: Marek Pawłowski / NCBJ)
On 31 July 2019, a delegation from the French company FramAtome, with its president, Mr. Bernard Fontana, visited the NCBJ. The French guests traveled to Poland at the invitation of the Warsaw University of Technology. In Świerk, they were accompanied by the WUT delegation with Professors Janusz Frączek – Dean of the WUT PAE Faculty. The delegations also visited the the Maria research reactor, which is located in Świerk ----

In memory of Director Jerzy Kozieł

The late Jerzy Kozieł
On 14th July 2019, Mr. Jerzy Kozieł, who was associated with our institute for a few decades, passed away. He finished his career on NCBJ as the Director for Radiological Safety and Protection of the Świerk Institute. Janusz Jaroszewicz, Deputy Director of NCBJ Nuclear Facilities Operations Department, reminisces the late, who will forever remain in the memory of older employees. ----

European XFEL plans ultrahigh-speed network connection to Poland

Euroean XFEL press release: Data from experiments will also be processed at partner institute NCBJ in Otwock-Swierk. ----

New materials for NP were discussed in Warsaw

Meeting of the JPNM EERA working group (Joint Programme for Nuclear Materials European Energy Research Alliance) was held in Warsaw from 17th to 19th June. EERA is an advisory unit of EC, which handles funding of research related to power generation. JPNM is a platform which handles research of materials for nuclear power industry. ----

POLAR-2 will fly into space

A list of experiments, which will be placed on board the Chinese space station, as a part of cooperation between China and ONZ, has been announced on 12th of June in Vienna. Among the nine experiments accepted for execution there is the POLAR-2: Gamma-Ray Burst Polarimetry on the China Space Station. The project has been prepared by a consortium with participation of NCBJ. ----
