Coope­ra­tion between NCBJ and JAEA enters the next phase

On the 20th Sep­tem­ber 2019, a dele­ga­tion from the Japa­nese Ato­mic Energy Agency, with its pre­si­dent, Mr. Toshio Kodama, visi­ted NCBJ. During the visit an imple­men­ta­tion con­tract for the coope­ra­tion agre­ement, which was signed two years ago, was conc­lu­ded. The con­tract put an empha­sis on the field of high-tem­pe­ra­ture reac­tor tech­no­logy. The guests also went on a tour aro­und the Insti­tute.

  Pre­si­dent Toshio Kodama and NCBJ Direc­tor Gene­ral Krzysz­tof Kurek exchange the docu­ments of the imple­men­ta­tion con­tract (photo: Marek Paw­łow­ski / NCBJ)
JAEA delegation on a tour of Maria reactor (photo: Marek Pawłowski / NCBJ)
JAEA delegation on a tour of OR POLATOM (photo: Marek Pawłowski / NCBJ)