NCBJ and Kozminski University will cooperate in the field of Big Data

Podpisanie umowy NCBJ (K. Kurek) i ALK (W. Bielecki) (Foto: Piotr Mijakowski / NCBJ)

Podpisanie umowy NCBJ (K. Kurek) i ALK (W. Bielecki) (Foto: Piotr Mijakowski / NCBJ)

On 16th October 2018 an agreement on scientific and educational cooperation between Kozminski University (ALK) and National Centre for Nuclear Research was signed. The range of the agreement includes, among other things, joint leadership in research projects, development of analytic tool and implementation of artificial intelligence in analysis of huge sets of data.

Joint press release of Kozminski University and National centre for Nuclear Research

In Warsaw, Rector of Kozminski University, Associate Professor Witold T. Bielecki and Director General of National Centre for Nuclear Research Associate Professor Krzysztof Kurek signed an agreement on cooperation between the institutions represented by them. It provides for conducting cooperative research and implementation projects, development of analytical tools and application of machine learning and artificial intelligence in analysis of large sets of data.

„Scientists and computer specialists from NCBJ have quite rare abilities acquired while processing and analysis of enormous amounts of data, which we encounter every day in experimental physics” – explains Professor Kurek. „There is a lot of evidence, that those abilities, tools and methods developed by physicists can be, after appropriate adaptation, successfully applied to analysis of social and economic and processes and phenomena. Our scientists already have achievements in this field, especially in analysis of medical data. We are sure, that together with our colleagues from ALK we will manage to expand this list of achievements.”

„In today’s business environment, especially in finances, insurance but also in marketing efficiency is more and more often tied to the ability to aggregate and analyse enormous amount of data. We teach our students about this in our masters and postgraduate courses, but to teach Big Data Analysis well we need to be able to use experience of institutions with vast experience in this field. NCBJ is such an institution without a doubt.” – says Professor Witold Bielecki, Rector of Kozminski University.

Analyses of large sets of data characterised by variability and diversity were made possible through the development of computer techniques and emergence of the required computational power. By arranging the data and recognizing the correlations between components of the set we can study hypotheses and sometimes draw interesting, unexpected conclusions. For many years analysis of large amount of data (Big Data) was a domain of scientists specialising in natural science. In recent times those analyses are more and more often used by economists, physicians, as well as lawmakers and researchers of social behaviour. Although those analyses have a lot in common, there are specific aspects for each field of application. Cosignatories of the agreement between ALK and NCBJ hope, that cooperative research efforts will lead to further development of both these fields.

The projects led by scientists from ALK and NCBJ will be provided with computing power and experience of NCBJ’s „Świerk” Computing Centre. This supercomputer institution is engaged in, for example, processing of enormous amount of data from experiments conducted in Large Hardon Collider in CERN, from astrophysical observations, as well as chemical and biological experiments conducted in XFEL laser in Hamburg.

Picture: CIŚ
Signing of the agreement between NCBJ (K. Kurek) and ALK (W. Bielecki) (Foto: Piotr Mijakowski / NCBJ)