European Atomic Energy Society meeting in Warsaw

Spotkanie European Atomic Energy Society w Warszawie

Annual meeting of Eu­ro­pe­an Ato­mic Ener­gy So­cie­ty (EAES) in War­sa­w (June 4-8, 2016) was hosted by NCBJ. The PGE EJ 1 sp. z o.o. company was a partner.

EAES is an association of the largest nuclear research institutes from almost all European countries. Topics presented during this year two-day long working session included current status, plans, and research background of the nuclear industry in each of the represented countries.

Mr. An­drzej Pio­trow­ski, Undersecretary of State in Mi­ni­stry of Ener­gy, and Mr. Woj­ciech Śpie­wak, Office of Technology and Operations Director in PGE EJ 1 sp. z o.o. visited the meeting on the first working day. The former guest gave a speech on the Polish power industry, while the latter pre­sen­ted involvement of his company in the programme to develop the first nuclear power plant in Poland.

Participants of the meeting exchanged their experience on safety assessment of research nuclear reactors and discussed on opportunities to broaden the programme of international cooperation. The topic how to popularize significant contribution of research re­ac­tors to development of tech­no­lo­gies to-day already commonly applied in industry, medicine, and every-day life was also discussed.

– “Not that many people are aware of the fact that contemporary computers were probably not equipped with hard dinks as we know them unless material research conducted on neu­tro­n beams generated in research reactors. Neutron-irradiated polyethylene tubing used in floor heating systems may be another example of a “popular” application of a technology derived from research conducted in nuclear facilities. A vast number of developed solutions is also applied in medicine” – pointed out Professor Grze­gorz Wroch­na from NCBJ. – “Efficient communication of information on where such achievements come from is particularly important in the context of building a social understanding for investing in complex research facilities. Skilful demonstration of the cause-effect relations may bring not only a more clear awareness of how important R&D works conducted in Institutes such as NCBJ may be, but may also increase opportunities to develop next innovative solutions for the national economy”.

Prof. Wroch­na was elected for the post of EAES Chairman and he will be directing EAES works for the coming year.

”The facts we have been entrusted with organization of the meeting and that Prof. Wrochna was elected EAES Chairman has confirmed that NCBJ po­tential has been recognized by our European partners. Of course it is a reason for great satisfaction, but first of all it is a sound foundation to develop a broad cooperation with the associated Institutes” – said Dr hab. Krzysz­tof Ku­rek, NCBJ Director General.

On June 8, the last day of the meeting, attendees visited the MARIA reactor and the POLATOM Radioisotope Centre in Świer­k.

European Atomic Energy Society meeting in Warsaw
European Atomic Energy Society meeting in Warsaw
European Atomic Energy Society meeting
European Atomic Energy Society meeting
Professor G. Wrochna
Attendees of the meeting visited Świerk
Attendees of the meeting visited Świerk