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The results of this year’s edition of the Physical Paths competition!

The results of the 17th edition of the Physical Paths competition, organized by the National Center for Nuclear Research and the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, have been announced. The winners of the 1st, 2nd and 3 rd place were awarded cash prizes, as well as funds for equipping school laboratories for academic tutors. For the first time, the prof. Ludwik Dobrzyński award Was also granted for the teacher who is the guardian of the competition participant.   ----

The LHC enters its next startup phase after Long Shutdown 2

Pierścień akceleratora LHC w tunelu pod Point 1 (eksperyment ATLAS). Źródło: Hertzog, Samuel Joseph: CERN
For several months, scientists from CERN have been preparing the accelerator complex located there for awakening. After more than 3 years, the so-called Long Shutdown 2 and the successive testing of subsequent acceleration steps, the first proton beam has already appeared in the LHC ring. ----

TRISO fuel – fuel with its own „containment”

High-temperature reactors use modern TRISO (TRIstructural-ISOtropic) nuclear fuel. NCBJ scientists conducted preliminary tests of the resistance of fuel pellets „shields” to mechanical damage. The work is carried out in cooperation with the European Research Center (JRC). ----

Negative reactivity coefficient of a two-fluid reactor

NCBJ scientists are analyzing the concepts of future solutions for new generation nuclear reactors. One of the promising solutions is the two-fluid reactor (DFR). In a paper published in the April issue of the journal Progress in Nuclear Energy, researchers showed that DFR has a negative temperature reactivity coefficient, which is one of the key figures for the passive safety of a nuclear reactor. ----

How heavy can a graviton be?

Scientists are trying to determine the properties of the graviton – the hypothetical particle that carries the gravitational force. In a study published in the Journal of High Energy Astrophysics, based on the analysis of 12 galaxy clusters, prof. Marek Biesiada and his colleagues presented a new limit on the mass of graviton. It is seven orders of magnitude stronger than the limitations of observing gravitational waves. ----

Prof. Michał Kowal in the Scientific Council of the GANIL research center

Dr hab. Michał Kowal, prof. NCBJ – fot. archiwum prywatne, Michał Kowal
Prof. Michał Kowal, Head of the NCBJ Theoretical Physics Department, joined the Scientific Council of the French research center GANIL (French: Grand Accélérateur National d’Ions Lourds – Great National Heavy Ion Accelerator). Along with other members of the Council, prof. Kowal will shape the institute’s research program. ----

GEMINI 4.0 – polygeneration for industry and heating

The National Center for Nuclear Research takes part in the implementation of the international GEMINI 4.0 project carried out by over 20 institutions from Europe, Asia and the USA. The partners will develop a concept for the use of a high-temperature reactor for emission-free production of process and municipal heat, hydrogen, ammonia and other applications. ----

Influence of gravitational darkening on the spectrum of rotating objects

Wizja artystyczna układu podwójnego składającego się z gwiazdy neutronowej i gwiazdy o masie mniejszej niż masa Słońca.
Exotic, rapidly rotating objects are of interest to astrophysicists. Polish astronomers are trying to obtain information about the physical conditions inside fast-rotating neutron stars. In a work published in The Astronomical Journal, they enriched the analysis with effects resulting from the phenomenon of gravitational darkening. ----

Research on new methods of producing 99mTc for nuclear medicine

Układ badawczy do elektrochemicznego rozpuszczania dysków molibdenowych
In recent years, work has been underway on alternative routes to the production of technetium-99m, used in nuclear medicine. An example is the use of cyclotrons or linear accelerators. One of the stages of obtaining technetium using this method is currently being investigated by scientists from OR POLATOM at NCBJ. ----

Cosmology July – open registration for 5th Cosmology School

Logo 5 edycji Cosmology School
Registration for the 5th edition of the International Conference „Cosmology School – Introduction to Cosmology” co-organized by the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCNR) has started. The conference has already become part of the schedule of Polish astrophysical scientific events and is recognized in the arena of cosmological conferences worldwide. ----
