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Dr. William Pearson receives the scholarship for outstanding young scientists

dr William James Pearson
"My work so far was focused on the formation and evolution of galaxies using modern machine learning methods" - explains Dr. William James Pearson of the NCBJ Astrophysics Division. Dr. Pearson received one of this year's scholarships from the Minister of Education and Science for outstanding young scientists demonstrating significant achievements in scientific activity. ----

LHCb: The differences between antimatter and matter are becoming clearer

Grafika pokazująca w sposób artystyczny symetrię CP
Until now, we have not been able to measure directly and with the appropriate precision how the breaking of CP symmetry manifests itself in the decays of charm mesons. The results of the analysis of the LHCb experiment, presented at the just completed ICHEP conference in Bologna, perfectly fill this gap. ----

Symposium: Neutron Sources

Grafika poglądowa: reaktor MARIA wraz z obecnymi i planowanymi stanowiskami badawczymi
On June 22–23, 2022, a symposium devoted to the development of neutron research in Poland and Europe Was held in Świerk. The symposium initiated cooperation between Polish institutions, universities and scientists on the part of neutron source users (the „Neutrons for Polish Science” consortium) with operators and constructors of neutron generating infrastructure (including the MARIA, DONES, ESS reactor). ----

SEFAKO will cooperate with NCBJ in the HTGR project

Jacek Boruciński i Krzysztof Kurek podpisują list intencyjny
On July 5, NCBJ signed a letter of intent with Boiler Factory SEFAKO S.A. on cooperation in the field of research and development activities concerning the preparation of the technical description of the research of the HTGR editor. The task of SEFAKO will be to design and, if a decision is made to start the investment, build a Reboiler Equipment Complex in the conventional part of the installation. ----

It has been 10 years since the first observations of the Higgs boson were announced

High-energy physicists today celebrate the tenth anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson. On July 4, 2012, the long-awaited results were simultaneously announced by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. NCBJ scientists have made a significant contribution to the construction, collection and analysis of CMS data. The occasional symposium is currently underway and it is possible to follow it remotely. ----

REVaMP - to use metals efficiently

Uczestnicy spotkania konsorcjum REVaMP
On June 21 and 22, at the National Center for Nuclear Research in Otwock, a meeting of the participants of the REVaMP Project took place. The main goal of the project is to develop, adapt and apply new metal recycling technologies. The consortium consists of 16 European partners. NCBJ tasks are performed by scientists from the TJ3 Division. ----

Awards of the Director of DBP NCBJ for scientific achievements in 2021

On June 27, the Awards of the Director of the Fundamental Research Department of NCBJ were presented for scientific achievements and popularizing activities for 2021. This year, the following were awarded: PhD. Varvara Batozskaya from the Department of High Energy Physics, prof. Marek Biesiada from the Department of Astrophysics, professors Michał Kowal and Janusz Skalski from the Department of Theoretical Physics and prof. Katarzyna Małek from the Department of Astrophysics for achievements in the area of ​​popularization. ----

Achievements of NCBJ athletes during the Atomiade 2022 Games

On June 10–13, 2022, 17 Olympic Games of Scientific Institutes took place. This year the organizer Was the CEA Grenoble. Over 1,000 scientists representing 26 research institutes from 10 European countries participated in the competition, including NCBJ employees who won many medals. ----

CANIS is the laureate of the TERAZ POLSKA competition

System CANIS w Kuźnicy Białostockiej
The system for non-invasive inspection of large-size goods CANIS, a joint work of PID Polska and the NCBJ Nuclear Apparatus Department, Was this year’s winner of the Teraz Polska emblem in the innovation category. In Świerk, among others, the heart of the device, i. e. the accelerator being the source of the gamma ray scanning beam. Today, at the ceremony at the Presidential Palace, Agata Kornhauser-Duda presented the representatives of our institutions with the diploma and the statuette of the emblem. ----
