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3rd Polish-Japanese HTGR Seminar - summary

This year, the Polish-Japanese Seminar devoted to the technologies of high-temperature rectors took place remotely, just like most events of this type. The organizers of this successful project have prepared a short summary and an invitation to participate in the next edition. ----

Safe operation of the Maria Reactor has been confirmed

The Pre­si­dent of the Natio­nal Ato­mic Energy Agency (PAA), as the regu­la­tory body, appro­ved the Perio­dic Safety Review report of the MARIA rese­arch reac­tor. ----

A superconducting photocathode with an innovative design will power PolFEL

Stanowisko do badania fotokatod w NCBJ (foto: NCBJ)
Scientists from the NCBJ have been developing an innovative superconducting photocathode, that will allow the currently built Polish free-electron laser PolFEL to operate effectively in a continuous wave mode. This will allow distinguishing PolFEL from other such devices in the world. Detailed information was inclosed in the September issue of Vacuum magazine. ----
