Study on the de-excitation of the double K-shell hole states

Study on the de-exci­ta­tion of the double K-shell hole sta­tes, in par­ti­cu­lar on energy, inten­sity, and width of the Two Elec­tron One Pho­ton (TEOP) radia­tive trans­i­tions Kα1,2α3. Exo­tic TEOP trans­i­tions Kα1,2α3 (1s–2→2s-12p-1) are radia­tive trans­i­tions with a low inten­sity. In the case of the TEOP pro­cess, the empty K. shell is com­ple­tely fil­led by simul­ta­ne­ous trans­i­tions of two elec­trons from the L shell with the emis­sion of a sin­gle x-ray pho­ton.

The inten­sity and the width of the TEOP Kα1,2α3 line can be repro­du­ced well using the MCDHF-CI method (Multi-Con­fi­gu­ra­tion Dira­c–Har­tre­e–Fock method with Con­fi­gu­ra­tion Inte­rac­tion), taking into acco­unt the influ­ence of the elec­tron cor­re­la­tion (espe­cially affec­ting the TEOP inten­sity) and the effects of open-shell valence con­fi­gu­ra­tion and ioni­za­tion and exci­ta­tion of outer shells during double pho­to­io­ni­za­tion of the K. shell.