Technical and research specialist | H2

Competition opened on: 
16 Jul 2020 - 10:15
Application submission deadline: 
31 Aug 2020 - 23:45

National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) research profile combines nuclear power-related studies with various fields of sub-atomic physics. MARIA - the only research nuclear reactor in Poland - is operated in the NCBJ. We conduct reactor research, including works on nuclear fuel elements and nuclear system safety studies. 
The National Centre for Nuclear Research opens a competition for the position at Radiological Metrology and Biomedical Physics Division (H2) – the Mixed Radiation Dosimetry Team: 

technical and research specialist

Workplace: Otwock - Świerk (Poland) - in the outskirts of Warsaw with daily transport services provided.

Department activities:

The Division's activities include research and R&D works in the field of:

  • dosimetry methods and mixed radiation detectors,
  • microdosimetry and nanodosimetry,
  • physics of ionizing radiation interaction with matter in the aspect of physical and biological nanometric structures,
  • passive and active neutron spectrometry methods,
  • computer simulations using Monte Carlo methods based on phantom studies,
  • in vitro and in vivo radiobiological and material studies using neutron beams,
  • developing the infrastructure and research planning system for the needs of boron neutron therapy

Recruitment is carried out for a research and technical position at the Mixed Radiation Dosimetry Team, under which the main tasks are focused on conducting experimental and measuring works using active ionizing radiation detectors. As part of the Department's operation, both basic research and application projects are implemented. The team cooperates, among others with scientists from the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Military Institute of Medicine, the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Techniques or the National Institute of Oncology, as well as scientists from foreign institutions associated within the EURADOS group.

Short description of tasks:

  • performing dosimetry measurements using detectors and methods developed in the team (medical and industrial accelerators, cyclotrons, synchrotrons, reference fields, work stations), analysis of measurement results
  • analysis of  the response of large recombination chambers in fields of mixed composition of radiation
  • participation in research and development, analysis and evaluation of measurement results, development and improving measurement procedures and methods along with the automation of measuring stations
  • maintaining and improving the construction of ionization chambers for beam measurements
  • development of new dosimetry methods for boron neutron therapy
  • participation in training courses, working meetings and participation in scientific conferences
  • publishing in research journals


  • education: university degree in nuclear physics or medical physics, profile – technical in physics, mechatronics, electronics, mechanics
  • knowledge in the field of ionizing radiation
  • predispositions for experimental work, practical approach to applying the basic principles of physics and chemistry in technique and experience in the use of modern measurement methods
  • programming skills in C / C ++, or python, or other languages
  • speaking and writing English allowing free communication
  • communication skills and language skills necessary to co-create reports and publications

Additional assets:

  • scientific preparation in accordance with the profile - doctoral degree
  • knowledge of German or French at a communicative level
  • ability to prepare scientific articles in LaTex format
  • knowledge of one of the Monte Carlo simulation programs: MCNP, FLUKA, Geant4, EGSnrc

We offer:

  • employment based on an employment contract
  • work in a young, dynamically developing team
  • possibility of directing scientific development in topics related to metrology of ionizing radiation
  • stable working conditions without overtimes and friendly atmosphere
  • additional annual salary and  other social security benefits 
  • company transport from Warsaw to Świerk and backwards 


The head of the Team: Szymon Domański,

CV should be sent to:  until 31st of August, 2020 r.

Please include the following statements in the last section of your application:

I agree to the processing of my personal data included in this application for the needs necessary to carry out the recruitment.
I agree / I do not agree to store my personal data in the NCBJ recruitment database for a period of 12 months, since the submission of this application, related to potential future recruitment processes.

Other information:

We reserve the right to contact only selected candidates and the right to inform about the decision to fill the post only to the selected candidate.

Submitted documents will not be returned. 

For more information, see:

The National Centre for Nuclear Research is awarded by “HR Excellence in Research”. Recruitment is based on OTM-R system (Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment practices in Research Performing Organisations).