Scholarship for a MSc student in NCBJ High Energy Physics Division

Competition opened on: 
27 Apr 2015 - 08:30
Application submission deadline: 
15 May 2015 - 23:45


We invite all MSc in Physics students to apply fo scholarship to be granted within the framework of the “Decays to tau leptons – a tool to investigate Higgs boson properties in the CMS experiment at LHC” project. 

Warsaw CMS group ( gathers physicists, electronics engieers, and technicians who are working in CERN within international collaboration developing and running Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS, detector at LHC. Members of the group originate from Warsaw University, NCBJ, and Warsaw University of Technology. They have designed, developed and are running a part of CMS mion trigger. Physicists from the group actively participated in anaysis of experimental data acquired during LHC Run-1 in the years 2010-2012, and have their share in discovery of Higgs boson, a historic success of LHC. Currently in spring 2015 LHC is being put back to work with new operational parameters: colliosion energy increased from 8 up to 13 TeV, collision intensity twice as high as before. New operational parameters should allow to acquire before the end of 2017 more than five times more data than during Run-1. This in turn should allow to more precisely determine Higgs boson properties, including its decays into tau leptons (specialty of the CMS Warsaw Group). The scholarship will be an opportunity to work out many topics well suited for a MSc thesis, such as polarisation of tau leptons in decays of the Z0 boson. Properties of the Z0 Bozon are well known. The boson is both a reference in Higgs boson research and constitutes a main (non--reducible) background for Higgs boson signals.

Deadline for applications: May 15, 2015.

For more information see the Warsaw CMS group Webpage (
or contact project leader:
Dr. Michał Bluj
NCBJ High Energy Physics Division
69 Hoża str
00-681 Warsaw
phone ++48 22 55 32 233