Research fellow in mixed radiation dosimetry team

Competition opened on: 
19 Aug 2016 - 12:15
Application submission deadline: 
30 Sep 2016 - 23:45


An open competition to fill up a vacancy

NCBJ opens up a competition for the research fellow position in Mixed Radiation Team of NCBJ Dosimetric Surveys Lab (LPD) located in Świerk/Otwock. The team is generally involved in development of measurement methods/equipment applicable in surveying radiation fields around nuclear facilities and/or particle accelerators (research/industrial/ medical). In particular technology of manufacturing recombination ionization chambers is developed and recombination phenomena in gases are studied.



  • BSc college degree in some engineering discipline plus at least two years of work on a similar position
    MSc college degree in experimental physics, electronics, bio-cybernetics, bio-medical engineering, medical physics & dosimetry or similar
  • predisposition for experimental/technical works, practical attitude, knowledge of contemporary radiation measurement methods
  • ability to single-handedly organize research activities (planning, implementation, reporting)
  • experience in using electronic instruments/gauges (multi-meter, electrometer, oscilloscope) and typical research equipment (thermocouples, microscopes etc.)
  • communication skills
  • good command of written/spoken English (writing scientific reports/publications, free verbal communication).


Additional assets:

  • ability to work in an interdisciplinary research team
  • experience with closed sources of ionizing radiation
  • knowledge of radiation gauges (O&M)
  • knowledge of principles of metrology of ionizing radiation
  • knowledge of principles of operation of gaseous detectors of ionizing radiation
  • familiarity with basic types of ionization chambers (construction, physical phenomena)
  • familiarity with computer-assisted methods of data acquisition (LabView, Matlab, Python, Visual Studio etc.)



  • to actively participate in R&D works conducted in the Lab and in developing the Lab's technical base
  • to track scientific progress in the field
  • to attend selected scientific symposia/conferences on topics related to Lab’s profile
  • to document the conducted research works
  • to manage purchase order-related paperwork and to contact Customers/suppliers
  • to execute other tasks entrusted by Lab’s Head.


We offer:

  • permanent employment contract
  • possibility to work part-time
  • opportunity to present obtained results at international scientific conferences
  • free-of-charge bus transport to/from Świerk
  • health service clinic in Świerk
  • sports club, recreation/social benefits programmes.


Send your application/motivation letter and CV (in Polish) before end of September 2016 to:

Dr. Michał A. Gryziński
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7
05-400 Otwock, Świerk 

or e-mail it to:

Mark the application with the „Dozymetrysta” word and attach your consent to process your personal data for the recruitment purposes:

„Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych zawartych w mojej ofercie pracy dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych (Dz. U. z 2002 r. Nr 101, poz. 926, ze zm.)”