Professor in reactor physics/engineering & nuclear power

Competition opened on: 
20 Jul 2016 - 10:30
Application submission deadline: 
20 Aug 2016 - 23:45

NCBJ opens a competition to fill up a vacancy at a position of Professor in nuclear reactor physics/engineering & nuclear power in Division of Nuclear Energy and Environmental Studies in the Department of Complex Systems located in Świerk. The successful candidate must meet re­qui­re­ments specified in par. 43 of Act on Research Insti­tutes passed on April 30, 2010 (Dz.U.  96 pos. 618).

Detailed requirements:

  • proven history of research in the field of nuclear reactor physics/engineering
  • experience in designing nuclear reactors/working out their safety analysis reports
  • experience in carrying out in­te­grated, multi-scale/multi-aspect (neu­tro­n/thermal/flow calculations) digital simulations of nuclear reactors
  • ability to formulate ne­w directions of research, in particular in­ter­-disciplinary research covering various fields of nuclear re­ac­to­r physics/engineering
  • experience in acquiring funds for research and operation of research institutions (gran­ts, con­tracts)
  • experience in managing research teams, in particular tutoring young scientists (under/post graduate students, interns)
  • significant scientific output (papers from the nuclear reactor physics/engineering field published in Philadelphia-listed journals, high citation index, active participation in scientific con­fe­ren­ces, record of organization of scientific con­fe­ren­ces)
  • active participation in works of international bodies acting in the nuclear reactor physics/engineering field
  • experience in evaluating scientific output in the field of nuclear reactor physics/engineering (reviewer in proceedings aimed to promote to higher scientific degrees, peer reviewer of papers submitted to editors of scientific journals).


Send your application to:

Professor Krzysztof Wieteska
Na­ro­do­we Cen­trum Ba­dań Ją­dro­wych
ul. A. Soł­ta­na 7
05-400 Otwock, Świerk


  • application
  • PhD/DSc scientific degree diploma transcripts
  • CV
  • personal questionnaire for employment applicants
  • list of publication
  • copies of the most important publications not available on-line
  • list of patents, implementations, patent applications
  • description of applicants fields of interest
  • all other documents possibly relevant for candidate evaluation.