Professor of the Institute | BP2

Competition opened on: 
26 Mar 2021 - 12:00
Application submission deadline: 
15 Apr 2021 - 23:45

The National Centre for Nuclear Research opens the competition for the position of
Professor of the Institute in Theoretical Physics Division (BP2)

Location: Pasteura 7, 02-093 Warsaw

Scientific discipline: physics

The candidate is expected to have the habilitation degree and a documented expertise
in theoretical high energy physics specialized on Quantum Chromodynamics.

Description of tasks:

Within the structures of the Theoretical Physics Division the candidate will conduct research in the field of theoretical high energy physics, with particular emphasis on quantum chromodynamics at high energies and parton saturation phenomena. Ultimately the candidate is expected to build, within the structures of the Department, her/his own research group dedicated to the above-mentioned topics.

The candidate is expected to have:

  • significant scientific expertise, documented by publications, in the field of high energy physics with particular emphasis on high energy quantum chromodynamics, high energy hadronic interactions and parton saturation phenomena;
  • documented expertise on the effective theory Color Glass Condensate and its applications from high to moderate energy collisions;
  • expertise on particle production and correlations at high energy hadronic collisions;
  • experience in international collaborations;
  • experience in obtaining research grants in open competitions; experience in leading research projects, confirmed by the running of grants as principal investigator;
  • excellent spoken and written English skills;

Documents required:

  • habilitation;
  • curriculum vitae;
  • list of publications;
  • research statement;
  • any other documents that may be relevant for the evaluation.


Head of the Theoretical Physics Division (BP2): Prof. Michał Kowal,

Place of submitting applications:

Secretariat of the Theoretical Physics Division (BP2);
by e-mail to:;
or by post or in person to: Ms Dorota Dobrowolska, National Centre for Nuclear Research Department BP2, 7 Pasteura Street, 02-093 Warsaw

Please include the following statements in the last section of your application:

I agree to the processing of my personal data included in this application for the needs necessary to carry out the recruitment.
I agree / I do not agree to store my personal data in the NCBJ recruitment database for a period of 12 months, since the submission of this application, related to potential future recruitment processes.

Other information:

We reserve the right to contact only selected candidates and the right to inform about the decision to fill the post only to the selected candidate.

For more information, see:

The National Centre for Nuclear Research is awarded by “HR Excellence in Research”. Recruitment is based on OTM-R system (Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment practices in Research Performing Organisations).