Postdoc position in particle physics phenomenology | BP2 (DBP)

Competition opened on: 
9 Dec 2022 - 16:00
Application submission deadline: 
15 Jan 2023 - 23:45

The Theoretical Physics Division at the National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, invites applications for

A postdoctoral research position in particle physics phenomenology

The post-doctoral researcher will be expected to work on the project "Searching high and low: A multi-scale approach to the physics beyond the Standard Model" funded by the National Science Centre, Poland. 

Location: Warsaw, Pasteura Str. 7


  • PhD in physics obtained not earlier than in 2016 
  • Documented research experience in beyond the Standard Model physics
  • Very good knowledge of English (both oral and written),

Supporting experience:

  • familiarity with the numerical tools used in phenomenological analyses of BSM models (ex. SARAH, MicrOmegas, MadGraph) and good coding skills (in Fortran/C++).

What we offer:

  • The position is for 2 years, starting in October 2023.  
  • The successful candidate will be hired under a full-time employment contract with a competitive salary of about 73 000 PLN/year (net), plus a travel budget of about 20 000 PLN/year.

Required documents:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • a list of publications
  • a research statement 
  • three letters of recommendation
  • scientific degree diploma (scan)


For more details about the possible research subjects please contact the PI of the project dr hab. Enrico Maria Sessolo, prof. NCBJ (

All applications (in English) should be sent by e-mail:

The deadline for full consideration is January 15th, 2023. Applications will be considered beyond this deadline until the position is filled.

Deadline for the selection: 15.02.2023 r. 

Others information:

We reserve the right to contact only selected candidates and the right to inform about the decision to fill the post only to the selected candidate.

Information in accordance with Article 13 RODO on the processing of personal data:

  1. The Personal Data Controller of your personal data is the National Centre for Nuclear Research (hereinafter referred to as Controller or NCBJ) with its registered office in Otwock, 7 Andrzej Sołtan Street, 05-400 Otwock. 
  2. Your personal data will be processed for recruitment purposes on the basis of applicable law, including the Labour Code.  Data not required by law, provided by you in your documents, will be processed on the basis of your consent. Your consent is given by the transfer of this data.
  3. The full content of the information clause of Article 13 RODO is available at

The National Centre for Nuclear Research is awarded by “HR Excellence in Research”. Recruitment is based on OTM-R system (Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment practices in Research Performing Organisations).