Physicist (job in NCBJ Department of Education and Trainings)

Competition opened on: 
9 Mar 2015 - 07:00
Application submission deadline: 
16 Jun 2015 - 22:45

NCBJ Department of Education and Trainings invites candidates for a full-time physicist position. Mission of the Department is broadly understood popularization of physics, in particular popularization of physics and applications of ionising radiation.


  • at least BSc degree in physics
  • science popularizing skills
  • teaching skills (high-school level)
  • affinity with youth
  • social communication abilities
  • friendliness

Documents (including CV, motivation letter, description of applicants fields of interest, and contact phone number) submit before April 6, 2015 to the e-mail address of Prosfessor Ludwik Dobrzyński, Department Head. Selected applicants will be invited to the interview by e-mail or by phone.