PhD researcher - physics (experimental)

Competition opened on: 
7 Apr 2015 - 06:00
Application submission deadline: 
21 Apr 2015 - 23:45

NCBJ opens up a competition to fill up a vacancy for a post of PhD researcher in Plasma Studies Division. Job contract will be awarded for 6 years with an option of its later extension.

All persons meeting the requirements specified in par. 43 of the Act on Research Institutes passed on April 30, 2010 (Dz.U. 96, pos. 618) are eligible.


  • PhD in physics
  • good knowledge of plasma physics, in particular high-temperature topics related to plasma generated in pulse plasma accelerators
  • experience in diagnostics of high-temperature plasma, in particular diagnostics of ion beams and spectrometry of light/X-ray/electron emissions
  • programming skills (FORTRAN or matlab) sufficient to simulate phenomena occuring in plasma accelerators and to perform computer-assisted analysis of experimental data
  • team work skills, readiness to participate in experiments run at various locations.

Experience must be documented by publications in well established scientific journals and participation in research projects in plasma physics.

More information:

Associate Professor Krzysztof Kurek
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
Warszawa, 69 Hoża str., pavillion, room 35

Apply to:

Associate Professor Krzysztof Kurek
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7
05-400 Otwock, Świerk


  • application
  • PhD diploma transcript
  • CV
  • pesonal questionnaire for an applicant for employment
  • list of publications
  • copies of the most important papers not available on-line
  • list of patents/patent applications and results implemented in practice
  • summary of professional accomplishments
  • all other documents relevant to the evaluation process