Doctoral scholarship – experimental particle physics

Competition opened on: 
6 Sep 2016 - 08:15
Application submission deadline: 
30 Sep 2016 - 23:45

National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) opens a competition for doctoral scholarship
in the project OPUS 2014/15/B/ST2/03998 (founded by National Science Centre):
“A search for long-lived massive charged particles using the CMS detector at the LHC operating
at proton-proton collisions energy of 13 TeV” in which professor Piotr Zalewski is the principal investigator.

Scholarship is PLN 3,000 per month until the end of the project (→ 2018).

The main objective of the scholarship is a contribution to a search for long-lived massive charged particles with finite lifetime (decaying in flight) using the CMS detector at the LHC. One motivation is the possibility that dark matter is made of extremely weakly interacting particles (e.g. gravitino).
A discovery of such type of scenarios is currently possible only at the LHC by observing particles decaying to these dark matter ones.

The scholarship may be only attributed to a person who meets the requirements set out in the regulations of the National Science Centre

(in polish: Regulamin przyznawania stypendiów naukowych dla młodych naukowców
The natural way to meet these requirements is to qualify for doctoral studies at NCBJ

(see:, the deadline for submitting documents for an additional recruitment is the 4 Oct 2016) with the principal investigator of the project as the supervisor (prior to submitting documents for doctoral studies a consent of the future supervisor must be obtained).

Detailed requirements:

  • a master's degree (science, physics preferred)
    or a realistic plan to complete the Masters in February 2017 at the latest;
  • documented interest in experimental particle physics;
  • an ability to work in an international team;
  • good command of spoken and written English;
  • programming skills (unix/linux, script languages, C++, root);

More information

Professor Piotr Zalewski (
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych,
ul. Hoża 69, 00-681 Warszawa, Poland

Send your application to

Piotr Zalewski, Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
ul. Hoża 69, 00-681 Warszawa, Poland


  • application;
  • cv;
  • personal questionnaire;
  • academic transcript;
  • university degree (if applicable, if not: an outline of the M.Sc. thesis with planned completion date, which cannot be later than February 2017);
  • a list of scientific achievements of the young researcher including publications in reputable journals;
  • a list of awards resulting from academic research, scholarships, scholarships and a description of research experience gained outside the home research unit (workshops, scientific training, participation in research projects);
  • recommendations of the academic tutor;
  • any other document which may affect the assessment.


Competition opened on: September 6, 2016

Applications must arrive before: 24 pm on September 30, 2016

The decision will be taken on: October 19, 2016