Associate Professor – experimental plasma physics

Competition opened on: 
16 Jul 2018 - 15:15
Application submission deadline: 
31 Aug 2018 - 23:45

National Centre for Nuclear Research opens a competition for the position of an Associate Professor in the Radiation Detectors and Plasma Diagnostics Division. 
Applications will be accepted if conditions listed in the Act on Research Institutes (Dz. U. Nr 96, poz. 618 z późn. zm.) are fulfilled by the candidates.

Location: Świerk near Otwock (we provide bus services from Warsaw, Otwock and Garwolin).

Requirements for the candidates: :

  • Doctor of Science degree in Physics,
  • considerable scientific achievements in the field of plasma diagnostics,
  • experience in cooperation within research teams in Poland and abroad,
  • ability to lead a research group,
  • experience in applying for external funds.

Required documents:

  • application letter,
  • scientific degree diploma,
  • CV,
  • questionnaire for applicants,
  • list of publications,
  • printouts of most relevant publications not available online,
  • cover letter including research plan,
  • other relevant documents that may affect the result of the competition.

Contact person:


Applications should be sent to:

dr hab. Aneta Malinowska
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7
05-400 Otwock, Świerk