Assistant Professor | LBM

Competition opened on: 
10 Nov 2021 - 11:15
Application submission deadline: 
30 Nov 2021 - 23:45

The National Centre for Nuclear Research opens the competition for the position of

Assistant Professor position

at Material Research Laboratory

Location: Otwock - Świerk - in the outskirts of Warsaw with daily transport services provided. 

The Material Research Laboratory (LBM) of the National Center for Nuclear Research is located in the Research Center in Świerk, approximately 5 km northeast from Otwock and approximately 30 km southeast of Warsaw. LBM conducts research, re-approval and diagnostic works on construction materials and their welded joints, in the field of widely understood materials science, using destructive and non-destructive methods. In LBM non-irradiated and irradiated materials are tested. LBM employees participate in national and international research projects financed by the National Science Center, the National Center for Research and Development, the Foundation for Polish Science, H2020 and Horizon Europe instruments and many others funding agencies. The research conducted by LBM employees focuses on the assessment of the radiation damage impact on materials such as: ODS steels, nickel and zirconium alloys, martensitic-ferritic steels, Al2O3 coatings and graphite. LBM produces also modern materials using the 3D printing method, and together with cooperating institutions we produce materials via SPS and HIP methods. We cooperate with leading Polish universities and research centers (PW, AGH, WAT, IPPT, ITME) and international scientific institutes (CEA, VTT, IIT, ORNL, JRC, JAEA or CHRTEM).
LBM actively cooperates with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which supports the development of new infrastructure and allows for the maintenance of modern scientific equipment, including the only Hot Cell facility in Poland.
LBM is composed of the Structural, Chemical and Corrosion Research Laboratory; Mechanical Research Laboratory; Non-destructive Testing division and Hot Cell Laboratory. Our Hot Cells consist of a set of 12 lead shielded cells with maximum shielding up to 100 Ci (3.7 × 1012 Bq), equipped with appropriate technological installations. Hot Cells are equipped with apparatus for testing the properties of irradiated construction materials and are connected with each other by a transport tunnel that allows samples to be transported between the chambers.

Job/tasks description: 

  • work in the Raman spectroscopy laboratory, conducting measurements at room and elevated temperatures up to 1000 ºC;
  • organization of tenders related to the purchase of the equipment, definition of technical requirements for devices, supervision over tenders, technical commissioning;
  • training other employees in Raman spectroscopy;
  • cooperation with other research groups at LBM and NCBJ;
  • preparation of scientific publications and grant applications.


  • doctor of technical and physical sciences or doctor of chemical sciences and related disciplines;
  • experience in the synthesis of materials;
  • work in the material laboratory.

An additional advantage of the candidate will be:

  • published scientific publications related to the Raman technique;
  • completed research internships or studies at foreign research institutions (at least 6 months);
  • fluent spoken and written English;
  • knowledge of other measurement techniques, eg. XRD, SEM / EDS / EBSD, AFM or TEM.

Required documents:

  • CV
  • List of publications
  • Description of research interests
  • Scan / copy of PhD diploma

All applications should be sent by e-mail to:

As an attachment to your application please sign and enclose the following declarations:

I agree for my personal data included in the application documents to be processed by National Centre for Nuclear Research with its registered office in Otwock, 7 Andrzej Sołtan Street, 05-420 Otwock, for a period of 12 months from their submission, in order to carry out future recruitment processes.

Information in accordance with Article 13 RODO on the processing of personal data:

  1. The Personal Data Controller of your personal data is the National Centre for Nuclear Research (hereinafter referred to as Controller or NCBJ) with its registered office in Otwock, 7 Andrzej Sołtan Street, 05-400 Otwock. 
  2. Your personal data will be processed for recruitment purposes on the basis of applicable law, including the Labour Code.  Data not required by law, provided by you in your documents, will be processed on the basis of your consent. Your consent is given by the transfer of this data.
  3. The full content of the information clause of Article 13 RODO is available at

The National Centre for Nuclear Research is awarded by “HR Excellence in Research”. Recruitment is based on OTM-R system (Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment practices in Research Performing Organisations).