Assistant professor | BP3

Competition opened on: 
25 Aug 2020 - 13:45
Application submission deadline: 
8 Sep 2020 - 23:45

The National Center for Nuclear Research has an opening for the position of assistant professor at the Division of High Energy Physics based in Warsaw. The successful candidate will join a team working on experimental analysis of data from BESIII detector located at the charm factory in Beijing. The group has the leading role in the development of the novel amplitude analysis methods for CP-violation and spin polarization studies in baryon-antibaryon systems. 

A candidate for the new position is expected to:

  • have  a PhD degree in physics;
  • have work experience at one of the international particle physics experiments: in particular practical knowledge of commonly used computing systems (e.g. Linux operative system, C++ programming, ROOT framework)
  • knowledge and understanding of theoretical background of the amplitude analysis methods allowing for implementation of the methods in the data analysis algorithms
  • good communication skills In spoken and written English documented by conference presentations and scientific reports

Desirable traits of the Candidate are:

  • Demonstrated  ability for self-standing, systematic  work in an international collaboration
  • Experience of organizing work in research projects will be an advantage



  • copy of diploma confirming a Ph.D. scientific degree,
  • CV, 
  • list of publications,
  • list of completed research projects,
  • description of scientific achievements,


  • contact details of persons (e-mail, telephone, research unit) able to give recommendations to the candidate(s) upon request of the committee.


dr Andrzej Kupść,     
(BP3) Zakład Fizyki Wielkich Energii

Documents should be sent to:

Please include the following statements in the last section of your application:

I agree to the processing of my personal data included in this application for the needs necessary to carry out the recruitment.
I agree / I do not agree to store my personal data in the NCBJ recruitment database for a period of 12 months, since the submission of this application, related to potential future recruitment processes.

Other information:

We reserve the right to contact only selected candidates and the right to inform about the decision to fill the post only to the selected candidate.

Submitted documents will not be returned. 

For more information, see:

The National Centre for Nuclear Research is awarded by “HR Excellence in Research”. Recruitment is based on OTM-R system (Open, Transparent and Merit-based recruitment practices in Research Performing Organisations).