POLONEZ funding opportunity addressed to young scientists from abroad

Polish National Science Centre (NCN) informs on a new funding opportunity dubbed POLONEZ, which will become available on September 15, 2015.

The opportunity is targeted at:  Post-docs or graduates with a record of at least 4 (four) years of full-time equivalent research experience who neither lived, worked, nor studied in Poland for more than 12 months within the period of three years preceding the application submission date.

Call objectives: to finance doctoral fellowships/post-doctoral internships of foreign scientists who would like to carry out their research in a Polish host institution.

Fellowship period: 12 or 24 months.

Fellowship financing forms:

     A. Successful applicant

  • Funds to employ the applicant on the basis of a full-time employment contract in the amount of 4,350 EUR gross / month (including employer costs) = about 9,760 PLN net / month
  • Mobility allowance 300 EUR gross /month   (including employer costs) = about 760 PLN net / month.
  • Family allowance 300 EUR gross /month   (including employer costs) = about 760 PLN net / month.
  • Research grant (for grants in the field of sciences/engineering) up to 112,000 PLN (12 month long fellowships), or up to 160,000 PLN / year (24 month long fellowships)

     B. Host institution

  • Overhead in the amount of 20% of employment contract and research grant to cover applicant HR/legal/accounting costs, costs of grant-related media/mail/administrative fees/bank fees/meetings/conferences/subscriptions/membership fees/study visits

During the fellowship the applicant must participate in at least three training courses which  develop various competences. The training courses will be organised and financed by NCN.

The host institution shall:

  • Provide necessary research equipment.
  • Appoint a coordinator who will take care of all administrative matters.
  • Organize at least one 1 study visit (lasting 1-10 business days) per year in an institution of which profile might interest the applicant. That shall be neither another university, another research institute, nor another scientific institution.
  • Appoint a scientific tutor for the applicant.

Application submission deadline: December 15, 2015.  

Applications: in English will have to be submitted via OSF submission system. Each application must be accompanied by: (i) copy of a PhD title or some documents certifying 4-year long research record; (ii) scans of some documents to confirm that the applicant did not live, work, or study in Poland for more than 12 months within the period of three years preceding the application submission date.

See detailed call documentation:

Contact with NCN: polonez@ncn.gov.pl; Dr Malwina Gembalska, phone 12 341 9017.

Contact with NCBJ Research and International Cooperation Division: Anna.Odziemczyk@ncbj.gov.pl, phone 22 273 16 07