Notification of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of M. Sc. Tomasz Fornal
2022.12.19 10:30 - udgov_ktmNOTICE The committee for doctoral dissertations of the Scientific Council of the National Center for Nuclear Research informs about the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of
M. Sc. Tomasz Fornal
- Dr hab. inż. Andrzej Bartnik (Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna)
- Prof. dr hab. Jan Pluta (Politechnika Warszawska)
- Dr hab. Katarzyna Słabkowska (Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika)
The doctoral dissertation is available for viewing in the NCBJ Library and on the website https: //bip. ncbj. gov. pl/artykuly/89/postepowania-doktorskie
Link to participate in public defense :
https: //cern. zoom. us/j/66786736178?pwd=OERDMlBwZm5lNXA5bHNCU3ZEYTJiUT09
Dr hab. Justyna Łagoda, prof. NCBJ
Chairwoman of the Committee for proceedings for the award of a doctoral degree
PhD thesis is made available for public review in NCBJ Library or may be downloaded from NCBJ Webpage: