BSUIN – cooperation of underground labs around the Baltic sea

Speaker and affiliation: 
Karol Jędrzejczak, NCBJ
Tue, 2017-12-19 12:30
Room 118 in NCBJ pavilion at 69 Hoża str. in Warsaw

NCBJ Cosmic Ray Physics Lab located in Łódź participates in the “Baltic Sea Underground Innovation Network'” project (BSUIN) funded from the “INTERREG Baltic Sea Region” EU programme. BSUIN will be a network linking underground labs and potential sites for such labs in countries bordering the Baltic sea. The project is just kicking off. The tasks include to work out common guidelines/standards for lab description, safety procedures, management, advertisement etc. The main project objective is to facilitate access to the labs and in consequence to improve lab utilization. Our team is responsible for characterization of the labs from the background radiation point of view. We are planning some measurements in a mine in Pyhasalmi (Finland).

Details of our plans, methods applied in our earlier measurement runs, as well as  result obtained in the runs will be presented during the seminar.

