Dear All,
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) has announced a call for applications under the "NAWA Chair 2022" Programme.
The Programme objective is to support the highest quality scientific and research as well as teaching activities carried out by Polish academic and scientific units by including in these activities world-class foreign scientists in the fields of natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences, and agricultural sciences. The Programme is directed to selected higher education and scientific institutions, including Polish universities, scientific institutes, and research institutes. They will be able to obtain financing for the implementation of a Project that responds to the challenges faced by our civilisation of global importance. The Visiting Scientists should significantly further groundbreaking research and actively apply for prestigious research grants. Under the Programme, it will be possible to employ, for a period of 36–48 months, scientists with outstanding international achievements, coming from various countries in the world, and to enable them to create a Project Group.
The Programme involves financing of the remuneration of the Visiting Scientist, the members of the Project Group, and the Inviting Person, of a mobility allowance for the Visiting Scientist, as well as of the costs of adaptation and organisation of the workplace and preparation of research facilities.
Under the current call, the Programme covers the following domains of science and technology (according to the OECD classification):
- natural sciences;
- engineering and technology;
- medical and health sciences;
- agricultural sciences.
The Beneficiary of a Project that receives funding is obliged to:
1) provide own contribution amounting to at least 20% of the Project’s budget;
2) employ the Visiting Scientist on the basis of an employment agreement for the entire period of the Project implementation in an independent research or research and didactic position within the organisational structure of the entity (establishment of a chair, research laboratory, research centre, etc.),
3) employ members of the Project Group, preferably under employment agreements.
4) ensure that the Visiting Scientist and the Project Group have access to the scientific and research equipment and infrastructure necessary to conduct the research planned in the application, as well as provide the necessary office and laboratory space;
5) provide administrative and financial handling of the Project, including matters related to the arrival of the Visiting Scientist and the establishment of the Project Group;
6) support the Visiting Scientist and the Project Group in applying for funds for scientific research or development work, in obtaining required approvals, opinions, and permits, including applying to appropriate ethics committees.
Project start date and duration: Project implementation may start not earlier than on 1 February 2023 and not later than on 1 October 2023.
A Project may last between 36 and 48 months.
Deadline for submitting applications: The call for applications will be open until 23 May 2022, 3:00 pm
Manner of submitting applications: Applications may be submitted exclusively electronically via
More information available at: