Mode­ling of X-ray spec­tra from pla­sma struc­tu­res

Study of X-ray trans­i­tions in tung­sten ions rele­vant to the dia­gno­stic of high-tem­pe­ra­ture toka­mak pla­smas, basing on the Multi-Con­fi­gu­ra­tion Dira­c–Har­tre­e–Fock and Con­fi­gu­ra­tion Inte­rac­tion (MCDHF-CI) cal­cu­la­tions and on the Col­li­sio­nal-Radia­tive Model­ling (CRM).

The MCDHF-CI method with an appro­priate active space of con­fi­gu­ra­tions with vir­tual orbi­tals allows us to reduce sub­stan­tially the dif­fe­rence between the expe­ri­ment and the the­ore­ti­cal pre­dic­tions, more than the „pure” MCDHF cal­cu­la­tions.

The­ore­ti­cal spec­tro­sco­pic data are used to spec­tral line iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and as a basis for the CRM cal­cu­la­tions, which are used to simu­late radia­tion spec­tra of ions in toka­mak pla­smas. In fusion appli­ca­tions, spec­tral ana­ly­sis of mid- and high-Z ato­mic sys­tems is used to obtain key pla­sma para­me­ters rela­ted to metal­lic impu­rity con­cen­tra­tions, ion and elec­tron tem­pe­ra­tu­res, and pla­sma rota­tion velo­city.