Electron-Ion Collider User Group Meeting 2023

Hybrid mode: Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw | Online
Sun, 2023-07-23 09:00 to Mon, 2023-07-31 19:30


The 2023 Electron-Ion Collider User Group (EICUG) meeting will take place in Warsaw, July 24th - 31st 2023. The meeting will be run in a hybrid mode with the in-person meeting at the University of Warsaw and remotely on Zoom. It will feature recent advances in the Electron-Ion Collider project, ePIC collaboration meeting, discussions on the second Detector, and a dedicated Early Career workshop. The meeting will be hosted by the University of Warsaw and organized by the Candela Foundation.

Electron-Ion Collider User Group Meeting 2023


Electron-Ion Collider User Group Meeting 2023
Electron-Ion Collider User Group Meeting 2023