Centre of New Technologies, CeNT, ul. S. Banacha 2c, 02-097 Warszawa
Mon, 2019-10-07 09:00 to Fri, 2019-10-11 14:00

Scientific meeting of the KM3NeT group which is an international cooperation project in the field of elementary particle physics and astrophysics ( The goal of the emerging project is to place 2 neutrino detectors at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and detect high-energy cosmic neutrinos from the TeV-PeV range (ARCA detector located off the coast of Sicily at a depth of 3450 m) as well as to study the phenomenon of atmospheric neutrino oscillation and determine the problem of mass hierarchy (ORCA detector near the coast of France at a depth of 2450 m).

Conference duration: 7-11 X 2019
Venue: Centre of New Technologies, CeNT, ul. S. Banacha 2c, 02-097 Warszawa
Event organizer (legal entity/institution): National Centre for Nuclear Research, High Energy Physics Division (BP3) 
Members / organizers of KM3NeT in Poland: dr Piotr Mijakowski, dr Rafał Wojaczyński, MSc. Piotr Kalaczyński
