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The NCBJ and Dr Jacek Gajew­ski awar­ded the Cry­stal Brus­sels Spro­uts Prize

The Cry­stal Brus­sels Spro­uts Prize is awar­ded by a jury appo­in­ted by the Natio­nal Con­tact Point for Rese­arch Pro­gram­mes of the Euro­pean Union. The prize is given for suc­ces­ses in the rese­arch and inno­va­tion fra­me­work pro­grams of the Euro­pean Union. On Decem­ber 18, 2020, at the remo­tely orga­ni­zed Gala, the NCBJ had rece­ived the award in the „science – rese­arch insti­tute” cate­gory, and Dr Jacek Gajew­ski rece­ived an indi­vi­dual award. ----

Addendum to the agreement with European XFEL regarding Big Data analyzes in pandemic conditions

On December 8, 2020, NCBJ director, professor Krzysztof Kurek and European XFEL GmbH director, professor Robert Feidenhansl signed an addendum to the cooperation agreement between their institutions. The agreement was enriched with conditional provisions that set the framework and goals of possible collaboration in the Conceptual Project phase of he Scientific Big Data Analysis project. ----

Top 2% ranking

Stanford University, together with the publishing house Elsevier and SciTech Strategies, has created a ranking of 2% of the best scientists in the world. It contains 159,648 names, including 726 from Polish scientific institutions. ----

The microspheres from Świerk help patients with liver cancer

Pojemniki typu MARIA zostały wymyślone w ramach współpracy NCBJ z niderlandzką firmą medyczną Quirem do napromieniania w reaktorze mikrosfer zawierających holm (165 -> 166). Dzięki swemu kształtowi pojemniki zapewniają dobre chłodzenie materiału co pozwala na napromieniowywanie mikrosfer neutronami bez ryzyka sklejenia ich lub zdeformowania.
The MARIA reactor is one of the main irradiation centres for microspheres containing radioactive holmium, which are used in the treatment of liver tumors. The technology developed at NCBJ at the request of Quirem Medical - a global manufacturer of QuiremSpheres therapeutical microspheres - serves patients in several specialized centres in Europe. ----

OneNet Project: One Electrical Network Infrastructure for Europe

The OneNet project aims to meet the challenges faced by Transmission Network Operators (TSO), Distribution Network Operators (DSO) and consumers in the European electricity market. The consortium of contractors consists of over 70 entities. The Interdisciplinary Division of Energy Analyses of NCBJ will develop an algorithm to optimize the TSO-DSO coordination in the Polish demonstrator. ----
