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Inauguration of super-fast internet connection with Hamburg

A high – speed inter­net con­nec­tion for scien­ti­fic data trans­fer at 100 Gbps is alre­ady in ope­ra­tion between the DESY rese­arch cen­ter in Ham­burg and the Natio­nal Cen­tre for Nuc­lear Rese­arch (NCBJ) in Świerk. The full func­tio­na­lity of the con­nec­tion was demon­stra­ted on 12th June during a cere­mony atten­ded by Polish and Ger­man Deputy Mini­sters of Science, which took place simul­ta­ne­ously on both sides of the link. ----

Świerk Com­pu­ter Cen­tre bri­gh­tens the night

Świerk Com­pu­ter Cen­tre bri­gh­tens the night (photo: NCBJ)
The IT Cen­ter Świerk (CIŚ) buil­ding ope­ned in 2014 in Natio­nal Cen­tre for Nuc­lear Rese­arch (NCBJ) was deco­rated with a magni­fi­cent mural. Since the insti­tute ope­ra­tes pri­ma­rily during the day, likely, many employ­ees do not even know that lumi­ne­scent paints have been used for pain­tings. The author of the work Olaf Cirut is pre­pa­ring to carry out ano­ther work in Ostrze­szów. ----

Scientists from the NCBJ are onto new particles in LHC/FASER

A cer­tain limi­ta­tion of expe­ri­ments aimed at fin­ding new, light, long-lived par­tic­les are the life­ti­mes of the sear­ched objects. In a recen­tly publi­shed article in Phy­si­cal Review D, scien­ti­sts from NCBJ and SLAC have shown that these limi­ta­tions need not apply to more reali­stic ver­sions of the­ore­ti­cal models with more new, long-lived par­tic­les. ----
