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CyberLAB detects and fixes another network security issue.

Sterownik PLC
The Team of the Cyber­se­cu­rity Labo­ra­tory (Cybe­rLAB) of the Natio­nal Cen­tre for Nuc­lear Rese­arch using so-cal­led fuzz testing detec­ted a vul­ne­ra­bi­lity in com­monly used PLCs. The manu­fac­tu­rer has alre­ady applied solu­tions to eli­mi­nate the detec­ted threat. ----

The NCBJ takes eighth place in the ranking of Polish universities

Cen­ter for World Uni­ver­sity Ran­kings (CWUR)
It’s not a mistake! The just-announced World University Ranking 2021-2022 places the NCBJ in the eighth position in the country, even though we conduct only third-degree studies. Our position was determined primarily by our high scientific results, which gave us 40% of the points in the ranking. ----
