NCBJ Education & Training Division
Mission of the NCBJ Education & Training Division is to disseminate knowledge on ionizing radiation: its natural and artificial sources, properties, and applications in science/technology/medicine/environment protection. To that end we (i) invite to Świerk high school students, their teachers, college students, and all other interested persons to show them in lectures and presentations how well professionals are able to measure the radiation, to use it to society benefit, and to avoid threats posed by it; (ii) actively participate in various science festivals/picnics, and (iii) answer all inquires e-mailed or mailed to us. Such knowledge must often confront radiophobia i.e. an irrational fear of radiation coded for many years since the mankind mastered atomic bombs, and compounded by irresponsible exaggeration in the media of consequences of the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents.
NCBJ Education & Training Division
ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7
05-400 Otwock
phone +48 22 27 31 612
fax +48 22 779 34 81