Two new BIS Sonatas in the Department of Theoretical Physics

Two scientists from NCBJ received grants from the National Science Center in the next, 11th Sonata BIS competition. Sebastian Trojanowski, Ph.D. presented a project entitled „Investigation of light particles in the dark sector of the Universe”. The second awarded project was submitted by Ph.D. Andrzej Hryczuk. It is entitled „Dark Matter and Baryogenesis in Multicomponent Dark Sectors and Extended Cosmological Models”.

Ph.D. Trojanowski describes the research tasks of his project as follows:

„The project’s unique focus will be on the possible future extensions of the newly established LHC search for light new particles forward. This program was initiated by the recent approval of the FASER (ForwArd Search ExpeRiment) experiment with the strong participation of the current research project manager. The study of possible future perspectives for such research, which will be carried out in the project, will be an important contribution to the full understanding of the discovery potential of the LHC in the coming years of the collider’s work. The dynamically developing field of searching for evidence for the existence of new light particles in currently observed astrophysical phenomena and in cosmological analyzes of the early Universe will also be important within the project. These issues are one of the most promising directions of scientific work in this area of ​​physics. „

A full description can be found at:


Dark matter mysteries are also devoted to the project of Ph.D. Hryczuk. The author describes his intentions as follows:

„The project’s main goal is to develop the theoretical and numerical methods needed to deepen the understanding of the above issues. In particular, by carefully studying the relationship between the two processes: dark matter production and bariogenesis. In addition, the effects of more realistic, multi-component theories will be explored. This will allow a better understanding of its history and properties. The recently developed fully numerical solution of Boltzmann equation for phase space distribution function for dark matter will be applied. This will enable a detailed study of the effects of deviation from thermal equilibrium for different types of interactions and processes taking place in the plasma of the early universe.”

You can read the full description at: