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High-class 3D printing lab in Świerk

3D printers require high cleanliness (photo NCBJ)
3D printing lab equipped with the first in Poland high-class 3D printer has started operations in NCBJ. The printer may print ele­men­ts from such materials as steel, bronze, gold, silver, aluminium, and titanium alloys. ----

European Atomic Energy Society meeting in Warsaw

European Atomic Energy Society meeting in Warsaw
Annual meeting of Eu­ro­pe­an Ato­mic Ener­gy So­cie­ty (EAES) in War­sa­w (June 4-8, 2016) was hosted by NCBJ. The PGE EJ 1 sp. z o.o. company was a partner. ----

Tektrotyd, a new medicine from Poland, registered in Europe

Tektrotyd, a new medicine from Poland, registered in Europe
The 99mTc-Tektrotyd preparation developed in NCBJ POLATOM Radiopharmaceutical Centre has been just authorised as a new medicine in almost all European Union countries. Due to some unique combination of features, including low price, an effective diagnosis of some cancers has become available to a wider range of oncology patients all over the world. ----

Intention letter to develop infrastructure for electric vehicles in Poland

Polish Ministry of Energy has presented underlying assumptions of a project to develop infrastructure for electric vehicles in Poland. The four largest electric energy suppliers in Poland (Enea S.A., ENERGA S.A., PGE S.A., and TAURON Polska Energia S.A.), Warsaw University of Technology, and NCBJ have signed an intention letter on joint efforts to accomplish that project, to promote/popularize electric vehicles among Poles, and to develop respective branches of the Polish industry. ----

NCBJ buys uranium needed to develop the BNCT therapy

ATOMEXPO fair in Moscow
NCBJ has ordered the TVEL Russian company to deliver uranium plates necessary to conduct research on the boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT). The contract was signed during the ATOMEXPO fair recently held in Moscow. ----
