The success of irradiation of materials in the ISHTAR capsule at the MARIA reactor
2022.03.10 10:23 - Piotr Spinalski
The works carried out by the MARIA reactor team, related to the study of construction materials for the fourth generation helium-cooled reactors, have been successfully completed. The ISHTAR (Irradiation System for High-Temperature Reactors) capsule has been taken out of the reactor core, and the irradiated samples inside have been submitted for further study.
Scientists train artificial neural networks to detect real-time releases of toxins
2022.03.08 9:20 - Piotr Spinalski
When a release of hazardous substances is detected, it is most important to locate the source quickly and precisely and predict the direction of further spread. Instead of computationally demanding dispersion models, models based on Artificial Neural Networks can help. This will allow the contamination to be monitored in real time. Scientists from NCBJ are participating in the study of the possibility of using such models.
The history of the quasar HE 0435-5304 – the distance matters!
2022.03.03 9:16 - Piotr Spinalski
Publicly available data is not too popular among scientific breakthrough seekers. Usually they were extensively researched and there is nothing more to discover. However, there are exceptions, such as the quasar HE 0435-5304, which sounds boring by name.
Scientists from the NOMATEN Center of Excellence at NCBJ show how to link the structure of materials with their properties thanks to the tools of materials informatics
2022.02.28 12:59 - Piotr Spinalski
The Materials Structure, Informatics and Function (MASIF) group at NOMATEN deals with the search for relationships between the structure of materials and their properties. The data obtained in an experimental way or generated in various simulations are processed using materials informatics. The work of the group at NOMATEN is led by Ph.D. Stefanos Papanikolaou.
Two new BIS Sonatas in the Department of Theoretical Physics
2022.02.28 12:39 - Marek Pawłowski
Two scientists from NCBJ received grants from the National Science Center in the next, 11th Sonata BIS competition. Sebastian Trojanowski, Ph.D. presented a project entitled „Investigation of light particles in the dark sector of the Universe”. The second awarded project was submitted by Ph.D. Andrzej Hryczuk. It is entitled „Dark Matter and Baryogenesis in Multicomponent Dark Sectors and Extended Cosmological Models”.