President of National Atomic Energy Agency visited Świerk

Andrzej Przybycin, Prezes Państwowej Agencji Atomistyki, fot PAA

Andrzej Przybycin, President of National Atomic Energy Agency (photo NAEA)

During his visit paid to Świerk on April 22, 2016, Mr. An­drzej Przy­by­cin, Acting President of National Atomic Energy Agency (NAEA), and the accompanying persons familiarized themselves with current status of works conducted at the MA­RIA reactor/POLATOM radioisotope centre/NCBJ Accelerating Structures Lab, and with models of particle accelerators currently commercially offered by NCBJ. The POLATOM centre is a buoyant manufacturer and distributor of isotope preparations applied in nuclear me­dicine/science/industry/environment protection; the centre conducts also extensive R&D works aimed to increase the offered product range. R&D works conducted in NCBJ Accelerating Structures Lab are generally aimed to keep pace with development of the particle accelerator technologies.

NAEA is a central administrative body in Poland (a Polish government agency) responsible for all nuclear safety- and radiation protection-related issues. NAEA supervises practically all works conducted in Poland, in which any source of ionizing radiation is involved. The MARIA reactor was licensed for another 10 years of operation by force of a licence issued by NEAE last year. That decision has confirmed that the works conducted in Świer­k comply not only with international quality standards, but also meet the highest nuclear safety/radiation protection stan­dar­ds.

Andrzej Przybycin, President of National Atomic Energy Agency (photo NAEA)