Minister of Digital Affairs has paid a visit to NCBJ

W poniedziałek, 22 lutego br., wizytę w Narodowym Centrum Badań Jądrowych złożyła minister cyfryzacji Anna Streżyńska — fot. Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ

Anna Streżyńska, Minister of Digital Affairs, in NCBJ (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)

Anna Streżyńska, Minister of Digital Affairs, has paid a visit to NCBJ. She familiarized herself with IT infrastructure and technical background developed within the Świerk Computing Centre (CIŚ) project framework. She was presented with some opportunities to draw on the existing hardware and scientific potential in areas such as computation of geospatial information or safety in the cyberspace. 

Anna Streżyńska, Minister of Digital Affairs, in NCBJ (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Professor Kurek, NCBJ Director General (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Minister of Digital Affairs, in NCBJ (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Minister of Digital Affairs, in NCBJ (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Minister of Digital Affairs, in NCBJ (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Minister of Digital Affairs, in NCBJ (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)
Minister of Digital Affairs, in NCBJ (photo Marcin Jakubowski, NCBJ)