The full series of films „Vir­tual Days of Open Doors NCBJ and OJ Świerk” is now ava­ila­ble

Today at 3 p.m. there will be a pre­miere of a film about the work of the HITEC Nuc­lear Equ­ip­ment Depart­ment and the Depart­ment of Phy­sics and Par­ticle Acce­le­ra­tion Tech­no­logy. It will be the tenth and last film publi­shed as part of the pro­ject Vir­tual Days of Open Doors NCBJ and OJ Świerk. We warmly invite you to see all the reali­za­tions!

How to find them? The easiest way is with the help of the pro­ject website:

https: //www. ncbj. gov. pl/wir­tu­alne-dni-otwar­tych-drzwi-ncbj-osrodka-jadro­wego-swierk

There you will also find more infor­ma­tion about the pro­ject itself.

We wish you ple­asant vie­win­g/vi­si­ting. At the same time, we would like to thank all employ­ees who got invo­lved in this valu­able pro­ject!